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Mae'r ymgynghoriad bellach wedi cau / The consultation has now closed

**Scroll down for English**

Mae'r ymgynghoriad bellach wedi cau. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cymryd eu hamser i roi adborth ar y cynllun arfaethedig Teithio Llesol ym Menllech. Bydd asesiad trylwyr nawr yn cael ei gynnal, a byddwn yn eich diweddaru am unrhyw gamau nesaf fel rhan o broses Canllawniau Arfanu Trafnidiaeth Cymru.

Diolch yn fawr.


The consultation has now closed. Thank you to all of those who have taken their time to feedback on the proposed Active Travel scheme in Benllech. A thorough assessment will now be undertaken, and we will provide an update on any proposed next steps as part of the Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance process.

Thank you.

Posted on 21st August 2023

by Sian Peters

Cyfle olaf i chi cael dweud eich dweud ar y cynllun arfaethedig Teithio Llesol ym Menllech / Final day to have your say on the proposed Benllech Active Travel Scheme. Online consultation closes 5pm today.

**Scroll down for English**

Mae ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol ar agor tan y 16 Awst 2023.

Diolch i bawb am rhannu eich barn ar y cynllun hyd yn hyn. Os rydych heb dweud eich dweud ar y cynllun Teithio Llesol ym Menllech, dyma eich cyfle olaf i rhannu eich barn ar y cynllun hon, felly gwnewch yn siwr rydych yn cael eich sylwadau i mewn.

Cliciwch yma i gwblhau'r arolwg

Mae yngynghoriad yn cau am 5yh heddiw.


The Benllech Active Travel Public Consultation is open until the 16th August 2023.

Thank you for everyone for sharing your thoughts on the proposal so far. If you are yet to share their thoughts on the proposed Active Travel scheme in Benllech, this is your last chance to share your thoughts on this proposal, so make sure your comments are in!

Click here to complete the survey

Consultation closes 5pm today.

Posted on 16th August 2023

by Sian Peters

**YFORY/TOMORROW** Ymgynghoriad wyneb yn wyneb – Neuadd Goffa Goronwy Owen (3-7yh) 19 Gorffennaf 2023 / Benllech In-Person Consultation – Neuadd Goffa Goronwy Owen (3-7pm) 19th July

(scroll down for English)

Mae cyfle i chi hefyd ymuno â ni a rhannu eich barn drwy fynychu ein hymgynghoriad wyneb yn wyneb a gynhelir yn:

Neuadd Goffa Goronwy Owen, Benllech, LL74 8SF ar y 19 Gorffennaf 3-7yh.

Os oes angen unrhyw wybodaeth am yr ymgynghoriad arnoch ar ffurf ‘Hawdd ei Ddeall’, ar ffurf copi caled neu unrhyw fformat hygyrch arall neu os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am yr ymgynghoriad yn gyffredinol, cysylltwch â'r tîm Trafnidiaeth Gynaliadwy gan ddefnyddio’r manylion cyswllt canlynol:

Ffôn: 01248 751805



An opportunity for you to also share your thoughts and join us at our public consultation event which will be held at:

Neuadd Goffa Goronwy Owen, Benllech LL74 8SF on the 19th July 3-7pm.

If you require any of the consultation information in Easy Read, hard copy or any other accessible format, or if you have any queries on the consultation in general, then please contact the Sustainable Transport team on the following contact details:

Tel: 01248 751805


Posted on 18th July 2023

by Sian Peters

Benllech Active Travel Online Consultation is now open! / Ymgynghoriad Teithio Llesol Benllech nawr ar agor (ar-lein)!

Have your say on the proposed Benllech Active Travel scheme.

Online consultation is now open (5th July) for 6 weeks until the 16th August 2023. We are reviewing active travel options to improve the walking and cycling environment for residents and visitors in Benllech. This study builds on previous studies and there are now five short-listed active travel corridors and a placemaking enhancement around the Square in Benllech village centre. The overall aim of the project is to maximise opportunities for people to travel by sustainable modes within and to Benllech.

Plans for the proposed scheme are available to view on the ‘About the Project’ tab. Please use the links below to access the plans for each corridor and complete the survey.

Have Your Say Today

Learn more about the project

Dweud eich dweud ar y cynllun arfaethedig Teithio Llesol ym Mhenllech.

Mae’r ymgynghoriad nawr ar agor (5ed Orffennaf) am 6 wythnos tan y 19eg o Awst 2023. Rydym yn adolygu opsiynau teithio llesol i wella’r amgylchedd cerdded a beicio i drigolion ac ymwelwyr ym Mhenllech. Mae’r astudiaeth hon yn adeiladu ar astudiaethau blaenorol ac erbyn hyn mae yna bump corridor teithio llesol ar y rhestr fer yn ogystal â gwella darpariaeth teithio llesol yn y Sgwâr. Nod cyffredinol y prosiect yw creu mwy o gyfleodd i bobol i deithio trwy ddulliau cynaliadwy o fewn ac i Benllech.

Mae cynlluniau ar gyfer y cynllun arfaethedig ar gael i’w gweld ar y dudalen ar y tab “Am y Prosiect”. Defnyddiwch y dolenni isod i gael mynediad i’r cynlluniau a chwblhau’r arolwg.

Dweud eich dweud

Dysgu mwy am y prosiect

Posted on 5th July 2023

by Isle of Anglesey County Council / Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn