This phase of engagement has ended.


About the Project


About the project

We are reviewing active travel options to improve the walking and cycling environment for residents and visitors in Benllech. This study builds on previous studies and there are now five short-listed active travel corridors and a placemaking enhancement around the Square in Benllech village centre. The overall aim of the project is to maximise opportunities for people to travel by sustainable modes within and to Benllech

Click through the contents list below for further information on the proposed improvements at each corridor and to view plans for each. 

Contents List:  

Overview of the corridors within Benllech.


Summary (About the Project)

For further information on each corridor please scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next. 

Transport Appraisal Guidance (WelTAG) Stage One and Two Study was undertaken between January 2022 and May 2022.

The Stage One & Two focused on identification of the key corridors for movement in Benllech.The project forms Stage Three of the Study, aiming to identify the preferred improvements along each corridor with your support.

The study identified an extensive list of problems which include: 

  • Limited active travel infrastructure provision. 
  • Lack of safe and suitable crossing places.
  • Residents do not feel safe to walk and cycle.
  • The highway network dominated Benllech with poor environment active travel issues.
  • High traffic volumes and speeds deter active travel.
  • A need to improve safety and the square.

The objectives of the study include:

  • Promoting and prioritising active travel journeys.
  • Improving opportunities for healthier lifestyles.
  • Increasing the number of trips made by walking and cycling for commuting and leisure. 
  • Creation of attractive, accessible and comfortable walking and cycling routes.
  • A safe and cohesive network by improving safety at the Square.
  • Making Benllech a more attractive place to live, work, and visit.

Proposed Improvements

The proposed improvements have been identified based on a review of the existing challenges in Benllech, concerns raised by residents during consultations, and alignment with policies and objectives. 

Overview map summarising the proposed improvements across all corridors.

Overview map summarising the proposed improvements across all corridors.

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The Square

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all plans and visualisations, and click next to view the next corridor. 

The emerging option to improve safety for people at this junction is to:

  • Provide more footpath space on the corners of the junction.
  • Move the pedestrian crossing to be closer to where people want to cross, and add crossings on the other arms.
  • The introduction of one-way systems on Corridors 1 and 4 would reduce the number of car turning at the junction, improving safety for pedestrians. 

Drawing illustrating the proposed improvements at The Square (including more footpath space and locations of the proposed pedestrian crossings).Drawing illustrating the proposed improvements at The Square (including more footpath space and locations of the proposed pedestrian crossings).

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-6000_01_The Square (1).pdf

Corridor 1: The Square to Bay View Road (Via Beach Road)

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all plans and visualisations, and click next to view the next corridor. 

The emerging preferred option for this road is Option 1a to:

  • Construct a shared use path.
  • Introduce a one-way system southbound between the Square and Upper Wendon Car Park including traffic calming features.
  • Add a pedestrian crossing near the Beachfront.
  • Retain most of the parking bays along the Beachfront. 

Corridor 1: Other options

These are not the emerging preferred options due to space constraints: 

  • Option 1b: Widened footways on both sides of the road.
  • Option 1c: Segregated cycle track.
  • Option 1d: Contra-flow cycle lane. 

Drawing illustrating the layout of the proposed improvements of Option 1a along Corridor 1 (The Square to Bay View Road via Beach Road)

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-1005_01_Corridor 1_E_Shared Use_2way south.pdf

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 1 at the Court House.

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 1 at the Sea Front.


Corridor 2: A5025 Amlwch Road (The Square to Bodafon Caravan Park)

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all plans and visualisations, and click next to view the next corridor. 

The emerging preferred option for this road is to:

  • Bus lay-by to be infilled so more footway space is provided for pedestrians.
  • Pedestrians crossing to be added near playground. 
  • Localised widening of the footways.

Drawing illustrating the proposed layout and improvements for corridor 2 A5025 Amlwch Road (The Square to Bodafon Caravan Park)

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Corridor 2 (Amlwch Rd to Bodafon Caravan Park).pdf

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along corridor 2 A5025 Amlwch Road (The Square to Bodafon Caravan Park) at the disused bus stop.

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along corridor 2 A5025 Amlwch Road (The Square to Bodafon Caravan Park) at the bus stop.


Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road)

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all plans and visualisations, and click next to view the next corridor. 

The emerging preferred option for this road is to: 

  • Re-design of parking outside Benllech Dental Surgery to provide more footway space.
  • Widening and resurfacing of the footways.
  • Shared use path on the eastern footway between Bwlch Road and Garreglwyd.
  • Formalise lay by area in fron of butchers with a dropped kerb.
  • New crossing near Bwlch Road and Rhianfa / Bangor Road junction to provide sage access between bus stops.

Drawing illustrating the proposed improvements along the northern section of Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road)

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-3000_01_Corridor 3 (1).pdf

Drawing illustrating the proposed improvements along the southern section of Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road).

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-3001_01_Corridor 3_South.pdf

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along  Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road) at the Breeze Hill Hotel.

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road) at the Petrol Station. 

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road) at the Bus Stop.

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 3: A5025 Bangor Road (The Square to Bwlch Road) along the Public Right of Way. 


Corridor 4: B5108 Llangefni Road

The emerging preferred option for this road is Option 4f to: 

  • Introduce a one-way to Craig-Y-Don from The Square with parking including traffic calming features. 
  • Widen the footway on one side of the road to create more space for pedestrians and a shared cycle track. 

Corridor 4: Other options

  • Option 4a: Introduce a one-way section eastbound from The Square until Lon Pant Y Cudyn (just left of the Fire Station). 
  • Option 4b: Shared use path.
  • Option 4c: One-way all the way to the junction and segregated cycle track eastbound.
  • Option 4d: Shared use path with turning area.
  • Option 4e: One-way to Craig-Y-Don from the Square.

Drawing illustrating Option 4f outlining the proposed one-way system to Craig Y Don from the Square.

Drawing illustrating the preferred option 4f and proposed improvements to include a one-way system to Craig-Y-Don from The Square with parking.

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-4004_01_Corridor 4_E_Shared use south side (1).pdf
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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-4005_01_Corridor 4_F_Shared use south side_with parking (1).pdf

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements for Option 4E along Corridor 4: B5108 Llangefni Road.

Cross Section showing the proposed improvement for the preferred Option 4f including parking.


Corridor 5: Lon Pant Y Cudyn

The emerging option to improve safety for people at this junction is to: 

  • New footpath on the left-hand side of the road which would replace the existing grass section.
  • Parking bays added to remove need for parking on footway.
  • New bus stops.
  • Traffic calming measures to encourage 20mph. 

Drawing illustrating the proposed improvements along Corridor 5: Lon pant Y Cudyn.

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283040-ARP-XX-DR-CH-5000_01_Corridor 5.pdf

Cross Section showing the proposed improvements along Corridor 5: Lon Pant Y Cudyn at the Bus Stop. 

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