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Benllech Active Travel logo


  • Feasibility

    Augst 2022




    May 2023

    Identify and establish concept solutions to enable and improve active travel infrastructure in Benllech.
  • Public Consultation (Virtual and in person)

    June 2023




    July 2023

    A public consultation (virtual and in person) is to be held to enable you to share your views on the latest proposals to improve Active Travel in Benllech. Whether you are in agreement with our proposed improvements (or to tell us you're not in agreement and what further improvements are required).
  • Consultation Review and Proposal Amendments

    September 2023




    Feburary 2024

    Following the public consultation, the proposals will be reviewed and updated to address the comment and queries raised by the public. The selected corridors will be taken forward for detailed design.
  • Funding for Construction

    April 2024




    March 2025

    A funding application will be submitted to Welsh Government under the Active Travel Grant Fund for the construction of the schemes. If this is successful, the active travel improvements could be delivered in the 2024/25 financial year.